Tycofor L Heat Transfer Fluid
Tycofor L Heat Transfer Fluid
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Tyfocor L can with 11 kg concentrate

Product number

290 000 10

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Within 5 working days

€ 96,50
excl. VAT
€ 116,77
incl. VAT
Price per unit

Product description

Propylene glycol-water mixtures are commonly used as heat bearing fluids. An antifreeze concentration of about 40% glycol in the mixture prevents damage to the system. even at temperatures of -21 °C the system remains operational. Temperatures below this protection point cause the formation of ice pulp, which, however, is not able to destroy pipes and lines.
Important note on the use of heat transfer fluids:
Use only heat transfer fluids that are suitable for the system in which they are used. All system components in contact with fluids must be glycol resistant. Concentrations greater than 50% glycol should be avoided to achieve optimum efficiency.


However, today's high-quality flat collectors and direct-flow vacuum tube collectors can cause premature breakdown of the conventional heat transfer fluid at high stagnation temperatures.
To prevent this process, the operating pressure of the system can be limited to 4 bar or a heat transfer fluid resistant to high temperatures can be used.


Tyfocor L:
Tyfocor L provides long-term antifreeze and corrosion protection for cooling and heating systems, solar thermal and heat pump systems. The product likewise serves as special glycol brine for the food and beverage industry. Tyfocor L is a non-toxic, virtually odorless, hygroscopic liquid. It is based on propylene glycol, which poses no hazard to health and which may be used as a coolant or heat-transfer fluid in food processing and water purification applications.

 The corrosion inhibitors contained in Tyfocor L reliably protect the metals normally used in solar installations and other heating equipment against corrosion, ageing and deposits over long periods. Tyfocor L prevents the surfaces of heat exchangers from becoming fouled, and ensures consistently high thermal efficiency. Tyfocor L is miscible with water in all proportions. Its mixtures with water protect against frost at temperatures of down to -50 °C, depending on their concentration. Its performance is not impaired by hard water, and there is no danger of precipitation.
Mixtures of Tyfocor L and water do not separate. Tyfocor L does not contain any nitrites, phosphates or amines

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